Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baby Showers and Back Pain....

So it's been ridiculously too long since I have blogged......And a lot has happened over the last couple of weeks and months.....So my apology to you all....

July brought a trip to Birmingham....It was so wonderful to visit friends from Birmingham, spend time with our family, attend an amazing conference at Church of the Highlands, and even end our trip with an amazing Baby Shower with Birmingham friends and family...
The amazing Elizabeth Ann also took time out of her busy schedule to take some maternity pics of Ron and I.  They were amazing and we had so much fun taking these pics....Here are some of my favorites!

I was so overwhelmed by the presents and love my dear friends and family showered us with and it was so fun to spend time with all the people I love!!! It definitely made for a fun ride back from Birmingham to Bradenton with a car packed full of presents, 3 high school students, and 10 hours in the car.....but it was totally worth it.....
The adorable cupcakes my Mom decorated

Suzie, my second Mom, who threw the shower

My AMAZING sisters...

Love my friends!!

pregnant women unite!

The incredible Angie who wrote Addyson a beautiful prayer

My Mom's!
August brought new challenges, and new excitement....One Saturday night, my dear friend Cherie's birthday, we were having a surprise party for her and I had to leave the party because I was in so much pain....The pain was in my back and wrapped around to my right side and rib area.....I tried to just go home and sleep it off and I woke up the next morning and lead worship out west.....And by the end of the second service I could barely stand up....And if it wasn't bad enough...My hubby left that Sunday for literally, all day Sunday I stayed on the couch icing my back....

On Monday my OBGYN had called in sick, and I could not go see them, so I went to see Dr. Christian, my chiropractor...when I told him my symptoms, he decided that my dear sweet Addyson had probably popped one of my ribs.....This lead to a whirlwind of doctor's appointments and hospital visits...over the next 5 days I ended up going into the hospital twice, having 3 different ultrasounds until my whole upper right quadrant had been checked out, and they had decided it had nothing to do with my liver, kidney's, gallbladder, or anything else to be correct...By process of elimination it seems that Dr. Chrisitan had been correct....My doc finally explained that I have a floating rib that is surrounded by cartilage and Addyson has decided to hang out in the same area where the floating rib is and stretch and pull and possible damage the tendon that connects the floating well as stretch out the area enough to cause ridiculous pain.......

The exciting part about this whole traumatic experience was that I got to spend a lot of time with Addyson on the baby monitor and man, she looks so great and so healthy!!!! I also got to have another ultrasound and she is measuring in the 43% percentile and is measuring about 4 lbs 5 she's actually a little small for her age....normal would be 50% and they would worry about her being too big at hopefully this means I can avoid a c-section...and on top of's HER BUTT that is in my rib area!!! I couldn't believe it....She's definitely got her Daddy's gene's ha!

The Lord must have known this would happen, and although I was removed from the position I was in at work, the Lord game me options and allowed me to still have a job, but just to get rearranged....and right now I am blessed to be able to help with computer training and admissions and discharges, so I am not having to work 12 hour shifts, like I thought I would have to do,  and my job's stress level is greatly decreased from my previous position....which is great since I am hurting and living on ice!

Finally, this last weekend I got blessed to have an amazing shower from my Bayside host went out of their way to make the shower incredible....and I was blown away with the love of my second family that Bayside is....Plus, my parents came down for the weekend and helped us organize Addyson's whole room and were such a blessing to have's definitely been a good couple months, despite lots of pain......

Her sign

My friends got to give me good advice....

Adorable cake

presents galore!

diaper raffle

Mama and Me

amazing HOSTS!!!!


Adorable onsies they made Addyson
Prayer for my sweet little one....

So Ya....Can you say we've been busy.....It's actually been great because it's taken my mind off of the pain and it's also kept me busy and not thinking about how I still have 6 more weeks to go.....I think September might be the longest month in the world....Seriously!!!! Just wish it were October already.....

Keep my in your thoughts and prayers, because I am still living on ice and Tylenol....maybe it will get better when she drops.......

But until then, we'll be holding on.....just waiting waiting waiting....

Counting down the days!


1 comment:

  1. So good to read all about what you've been doing! I wish we lived closer to each other:(
